
Requires the config Cargo feature, which is enabled by default.

The primary feature of Schematic is a layered serde-driven configuration solution, and is powered through the Config and ConfigEnum traits, and their associated derive macro. These macros help to generate and automate the following (when applicable):

The struct or enum that derives Config represents the final state, after all partial layers have been merged, and default and environment variable values have been applied. This means that all fields (settings) should not be wrapped in Option, unless the setting is truly optional (think nullable in the config file).

fn main() {
struct ExampleConfig {
	pub number: usize,
	pub string: String,
	pub boolean: bool,
	pub array: Vec<String>,
	pub optional: Option<String>,

This pattern provides the optimal developer experience, as you can reference the settings as-is, without having to unwrap them, or use match or if-let statements!


Define a struct or enum and derive the Config trait. Fields within the struct (known as settings) can be annotated with the #[setting] attribute to provide additional functionality.

fn main() {
use schematic::Config;

struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(default = 3000, env = "PORT")]
	pub port: usize,

	#[setting(default = true)]
	pub secure: bool,

	#[setting(default = vec!["localhost".into()])]
	pub allowed_hosts: Vec<String>,

Loading sources

When all of your structs and enums have been defined, you can then load, parse, merge, and validate a configuration from one or many sources. A source is either a file path, secure URL, or inline code string.

Begin by importing the ConfigLoader struct and initializing it with the Config type you want to load.

fn main() {
use schematic::ConfigLoader;

let loader = ConfigLoader::<AppConfig>::new();

From here, you can feed it sources to load. For file paths, use the ConfigLoader::file() or ConfigLoader::file_optional() methods. For URLs, use the ConfigLoader::url() method (requires the url Cargo feature, which is on by default). For inline code, use the ConfigLoader::code() method, which requires an explicit format.

fn main() {
use schematic::Format;

loader.code("secure: false", Format::Yaml)?;

The format for files and URLs are derived from the trailing extension.

And lastly call the ConfigLoader::load() method to generate the final configuration. This methods returns a result, which includes the final configuration, as well as all of the partial layers that were loaded.

fn main() {
let result = loader.load()?;

result.config; // AppConfig
result.layers; // Vec<Layer<PartialAppConfig>>

Automatic schemas

When the schema Cargo feature is enabled, the Schematic trait will be automatically implemented for all types that implement Config and ConfigEnum. You do not and should not derive both of these together.

fn main() {
// Correct
struct AppConfig {}

// Incorrect
#[derive(Config, Schematic)]
struct AppConfig {}

Supported source formats

Schematic is powered entirely by serde, and supports the following formats:

  • JSON - Uses serde_json and requires the json Cargo feature.
  • Pkl (experimental) - Uses rpkl and requires the pkl Cargo feature.
  • TOML - Uses toml and requires the toml Cargo feature.
  • YAML - Uses serde_yaml and requires the yaml Cargo feature.

Cargo features

The following Cargo features are available:

  • config (default) - Enables configuration support (all the above stuff).
  • env (default) - Enables environment variables for settings.
  • extends (default) - Enables configs to extend other configs.
  • json - Enables JSON.
  • pkl - Enables Pkl.
  • toml - Enables TOML.
  • tracing - Wrap generated code in tracing instrumentations.
  • url - Enables loading, extending, and parsing configs from URLs.
  • validate (default) - Enables setting value validation.
  • yaml - Enables YAML.