Unit-only enums

Configurations typically use enums to support multiple values within a specific setting. To simplify this process, and to provide streamlined interoperability with Config, we offer a ConfigEnum trait and macro that can be derived for enums with unit-only variants.

fn main() {
enum LogLevel {

When paired with Config, it’ll look like:

fn main() {
struct AppConfig {
	pub log_level: LogLevel

This enum will generate the following implementations:

  • Provides a static T::variants() method, that returns a list of all variants. Perfect for iteration.
  • Implements FromStr and TryFrom for parsing from a string.
  • Implements Display for formatting into a string.

Attribute fields

The following fields are supported for the #[config] container attribute:

  • before_parse - Transform the variant string value before parsing. Supports lowercase or UPPERCASE.
fn main() {
#[config(before_parse = "UPPERCASE")]
enum ExampleEnum {
	// ...

And the following for serde compatibility:

  • rename
  • rename_all - Defaults to kebab-case.


The following fields are supported for the #[variant] variant attribute:

  • fallback - Marks the variant as the fallback.
  • value - Overrides (explicitly sets) the string value used for parsing and formatting. This is similar to serde’s rename.

And the following for serde compatibility:

  • alias
  • rename

Deriving common traits

All enums (not just unit-only enums) typically support the same derived traits, like Clone, Eq, etc. To reduce boilerplate, we offer a derive_enum! macro that will apply these traits for you.

fn main() {
	enum LogLevel {

This macro will inject the following attributes:

fn main() {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]