
The StructType can be used to represent a struct with explicitly named fields and typed values. This is also known as a “shape” or “model”.

fn main() {
use schematic::{Schematic, Schema, SchemaBuilder, SchemaType, schema::StructType};

impl Schematic for T {
	fn build_schema(mut schema: SchemaBuilder) -> Schema {
		schema.structure(StructType {
			fields: HashMap::from_iter([
					Box::new(SchemaField {
						comment: Some("Name of the user".into()),
						schema: schema.infer::<String>(),
					Box::new(SchemaField {
						comment: Some("Age of the user".into()),
						schema: schema.nest().integer(IntegerType::new_kind(IntegerKind::U16)),
					Box::new(SchemaField {
						comment: Some("Is the user active".into()),
						schema: schema.infer::<bool>(),

If you’re only defining fields, you can use the shorthand StructType::new() method. When using this approach, the Boxs are automatically inserted for you.

fn main() {
		SchemaField {
			comment: Some("Name of the user".into()),
			schema: schema.infer::<String>(),
	// ...


The following fields can be passed to StructType, which are then fed into the generator.

Required fields

The required field can be used to specify a list of fields that are required for the struct.

fn main() {
StructType {
	// ...
	required: Some(vec!["name".into()]),

This is primarily used by JSON Schema.