JSON schemas

Requires the json_schema Cargo feature.

With our JsonSchemaRenderer, you can generate a JSON Schema document for all types that implement Schematic. Internally this renderer uses the schemars crate to generate the JSON document.

To utilize, instantiate a generator, add types to render, and generate the output file.

fn main() {
use schematic::schema::{SchemaGenerator, JsonSchemaRenderer};

let mut generator = SchemaGenerator::default();
generator.generate(output_dir.join("schema.json"), JsonSchemaRenderer::default())?;

For a reference implementation, check out moonrepo/moon.

Root document

Unlike other renderers, a JSON schema represents a single document, with referenced types being organized into definitions. In Schematic, the last type to be added to SchemaGenerator will be the root document, while all other types will become definitions. For example:

fn main() {
// These are definitions

// This is the root document
generator.generate(output_dir.join("schema.json"), JsonSchemaRenderer::default())?;

When rendered, will look something like the following:

	"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
	"title": "LastType",
	"type": "object",
	"properties": {
		// Fields in LastType...
	"definitions": {
		// Other types...


Custom options can be passed to the renderer using JsonSchemaOptions.

fn main() {
use schematic::schema::JsonSchemaOptions;

JsonSchemaRenderer::new(JsonSchemaOptions {
	// ...

This type also contains all fields from the upstream SchemaSettings type from the schemars crate. Refer to their documentation for more information.

Markdown descriptions

By default, the description field in the JSON schema specification is supposed to be a plain text string, but some tools support markdown through another field called markdownDescription.

To support this pattern, enable the markdown_description option, which will inject the markdownDescription field if markdown was detected in the description field.

fn main() {
JsonSchemaOptions {
	// ...
	markdown_description: true,

This is a non-standard extension to the JSON schema specification.

Required fields

When a struct is rendered, automatically mark all non-Option struct fields as required, and include them in the JSON schema required field. This is enabled by default.

fn main() {
JsonSchemaOptions {
	// ...
	mark_struct_fields_required: false,

Field titles

The JSON schema specification supports a title annotation for each field, which is a human-readable string. By default this is the name of the Rust struct, enum, or type field.

But depending on the tool that consumes the schema, this may not be the best representation. As an alternative, the set_field_name_as_title option can be enabled to use the field name itself as the title.

fn main() {
JsonSchemaOptions {
	// ...
	set_field_name_as_title: true,