
The FloatType can be used to represent a float or double.

fn main() {
use schematic::{Schematic, Schema, SchemaBuilder, SchemaType, schema::{FloatType, FloatKind}};

impl Schematic for T {
	fn build_schema(mut schema: SchemaBuilder) -> Schema {
		schema.float(FloatType {
			kind: FloatKind::F32,

If you’re only defining the kind field, you can use the shorthand FloatType::new_kind() method.

fn main() {

Automatically implemented for f32 and f64.

Default value

To customize the default value for use within generators, pass the desired value to the FloatType constructor.

fn main() {
// Or


The following fields can be passed to FloatType, which are then fed into the generator.


The enum_values field can be used to specify a list of literal values that are allowed for the field.

fn main() {
FloatType {
	// ...
	enum_values: Some(vec![0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]),


The format field can be used to associate semantic meaning to the float, and how the float will be used and displayed.

fn main() {
FloatType {
	// ...
	format: Some("currency".into()),

This is primarily used by JSON Schema.


The min and max fields can be used to specify the minimum and maximum inclusive values allowed. Both fields accept a non-zero number, and can be used together or individually.

fn main() {
FloatType {
	// ...
	min: Some(0.0), // >0
	max: Some(1.0), // <1

These fields are not exclusive and do not include the lower and upper bound values. To include them, use min_exclusive and max_exclusive instead.

fn main() {
FloatType {
	// ...
	min_exclusive: Some(0.0), // >=0
	max_exclusive: Some(1.0), // <=1

Multiple of

The multiple_of field can be used to specify a value that the float must be a multiple of.

fn main() {
FloatType {
	// ...
	multiple_of: Some(0.25), // 0.0, 0.25, 0.50, etc