Extendable sources

Requires the extends Cargo feature, which is enabled by default.

Not supported for enums.

Configs can extend other configs, generating an accurate layer chain, via the #[setting(extend)] attribute field. Extended configs can either be a file path (relative from the current config) or a secure URL.

When defining extend, we currently support 3 types of patterns. We also suggest making the setting optional, so that extending is not required by consumers!

Single source

The first pattern is with a single string, which only allows a single file or URL to be extended.

fn main() {
struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(extend, validate = schematic::validate::extends_string)]
	pub extends: Option<String>,


extends: "./another/file.yml"

Multiple sources

The second pattern is with a list of strings, allowing multiple files or URLs to be extended. Each item in the list is merged from top to bottom (lowest precedence to highest).

fn main() {
struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(extend, validate = schematic::validate::extends_list)]
	pub extends: Option<Vec<String>>,


  - "./another/file.yml"
  - "https://domain.com/some/other/file.yml"

Either pattern

And lastly, supporting both a string or a list, using our built-in enum.

fn main() {
struct AppConfig {
	#[setting(extend, validate = schematic::validate::extends_from)]
	pub extends: Option<schematic::ExtendsFrom>,